Two weeks ago, Henry and I took our first trip of the year to Sesame Place. Oh how we had missed it! We had initially planned to go there on Saturday and Sunday, but Henry had been a bit under the weather earlier in the week so we just went on Sunday. No matter: we still had a great time. Saturday afternoon we drove down to the hotel, and splashed around in the hotel pool before bed. Then Sunday morning, we had breakfast with some of our favorite characters, like Ernie...

And Bert...

And Abby Cadabby...

And Big Bird...

And last but not least, Cookie Monster!

Then it was time to go on the rides. We all went on the Flying Fish (Mom too, even though she doesn't like it).

Then Dad took Henry and I on Big Bird's Balloon Race.
I was happy to discover that they had installed a new ride for this year: the same swing ride that Audrey and I loved so much at Victorian Gardens! Then I went on the carousel.

Here are the highlights of our first Sesame Place trip of the year:
But I'm forgetting the most important part: the reason we chose this particular weekend to visit Sesame Place is because our favorite musician, Dan Zanes, was performing there.
We had a blast dancing to his music!
Well, for a little while at least, then we got tired out and had to go. Here's a second video from the concert. As you can see, Henry eventually found another way to entertain himself while the concert was going on.
And that was our day. We wished we could have stayed longer, and that it had been warm enough to go on some water rides, but that's okay: we'll be back again soon!