It's been a month since we've done an Ask Julia & Henry column, and we got so many questions (mostly from Aunt Rebecca) that we're splitting the column over two days. I'm up first this time, and Julia will tackle her questions tomorrow. So let's get started. First off, I'll sink my teeth —both of them!—into a long list of questions from Aunt Rebecca:
How are you doing with sitting up?I'm doing great at that, but these days I much prefer standing up (I can pull myself up to a standing position) or getting on my tummy (I'm oh-so-close to crawling!).
What's your favorite baby food?Anything except for corn, which I absolutely can't stand. My second least favorite food? Green peas. Yuck!
Which Christmas toy do you play with the most?That would be my ball popper. And don't tell Julia, but when she's not around I love to munch on the handle of her hoppity ball. It's great for teething!
What do you think of the snow now that you've had a ton of it fall before the holidays?I actually don't have an opinion on snow yet, but so far everytime it's fallen, I've been too sick to go outside and enjoy it. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm hoping for another snowfall soon. I want to finally go sledding!
Do you need to get another swine flu shot?I got my second H1N1 shot before the holidays, so I'm all set. Too bad they don't have a congestion shot, because I sure could have used that one!
What do you think about your first Christmas? Did you get a special ornament marking your first Christmas?I loved Christmas—not as much as my sister of course, but it was still great. And yes, Mom and Dad did put a Baby's First Christmas ornament on the tree.
Did you know that you look just like your daddy? Have you compared your pictures at this age with those of your daddy at this age?Lots of people tell me that! I'll have to ask Dad to show me some baby photos so we can compare them. While he's at it, he should pull some photos of Aunt Jess as a kid too, because Dad says Julia looks a lot like Aunt Jess used to.
How are you fixed for teeth?Two on the bottom, so I'm off to a good start. I wonder how many I need to get before I stop drooling every waking moment?
Have you been watching many football games on TV?J-E-T-S, Jets Jets Jets! Yes, I've been watching the playoff games with Dad, and it's been a blast watching the Jets win! (Julia doesn't like when Dad yells at the TV during the games, though.) Next up: Indy on Sunday.
What new tricks have you been doing? In other words, what is your latest skill that you've mastered?They've all been chronicled here on the blog: saying "Dada," pulling myself up to a standing position, getting my two bottom teeth. I'm pretty sure that crawling is next on my agenda.
How long do you have to use your nebulizer?I had to use it for a whole week. Since then things have been good, but we had to buy that
nebulizer so if I have a need for it down the line, we're all set. I tolerated it by the end of that week, but I certainly don't miss having to use it!
What is your normal bedtime?I fall asleep anytime from 6:45 to 9, but more often than not it's around 8. And I'm happy to say that now that I'm healthy again (and my first teeth have come in), I've been sleeping through the night more often than not during these past two weeks.
Tell dad that a little whiskey in your formula should kill a lot of those germs that Julia brings home to you.Again with the whiskey? Why did all the parents from your generation always try to solve their baby's problems by giving them hard liquor?
Thanks for those, Aunt Rebecca. Grandpa checked in as well with this question
Congrats on cutting your 1st tooth! Did you also achieve one of your Resolutions by doing that earlier than your sister did?I sure did. While we both started speaking at around the same time, I got my first tooth
two whole months before Julia. So not only did I beat her to getting my first tooth, I also beat her to crossing off the first 2010 resolution!
Well, that's it from my inbox. Julia will answer her mail tomorrow, but if you have any other questions to ask me,
send them my way!