Julia had her turn, so now it's time for me to tackle my first-ever list of New Year's resolutions. Let's get to it...
1) Learn to walk. I'm a bundle of energy, so I need to get mobile!
2) Learn to talk. I have so much to say and I can't wait to start yapping!
3) No more teething...lots more teeth! It's no fun drooling nonstop for four months straight, and struggling with the agony of teething. (The doctor says it's really bad right now...make it stop!) I'm ready to get a few teeth, so Aunt Jess can start checking my teeth too.
4) Fall asleep by myself. I can do this a little bit already, but by the end of the year, I'd like Mom or Dad to be able to put me into my crib, say good night and close the door, without any fuss. Julia took a lot longer to do this, and I'd like to master that faster than she did. Which leads me to the next resolution...
5) Accomplish something faster than Julia did. I know, all kids develop differently, but at the same time, I want to learn to do something (walk, talk, crawl, whatever) sooner than my big sister did. I got a taste of it when I rolled over faster than she did; it got my competitive juices flowing.
6) Travel abroad. Julia got a passport when she was my age, so I want to do the same...and get my first big trip under my belt.
7) Have a healthier year. Easier said than done, I know, but I'm sick of being sick all the time. I'm at least starting off the year on the right note: I visited the doctor yesterday and my double ear infection is all cleared up and my lungs sound better. So let's see if I can have more healthy days than sick days this year.
8) Get even with Julia. For months, Julia has snatched toys and other objects right out of my hands, and I've been powerless to do anything about it. But once I get mobile, I'm going to get back at her: take a few things of hers and see how she likes it!
9) No more big head. I haven't talked about this on the blog before, but a few months ago I was diagnosed with macrocephaly - which basically means I have a big head (water on the brain, I think it's called). It's a genetic thing most of the time (gee, thanks Dad - I'm only 1/8th Irish and apparently it's all in my head!), and in 95 percent of cases it clears itself up by 2 years old. So here's hoping that my big head isn't quite so big by year's end.
10) Go on an amusement park ride with Julia. I'm a bit of a thrill-seeker like my sister, so I have a feeling that I'm going to like rides as much as she does. So this year, I want to go on my first ride...hopefully at Sesame Place!
So that's my first list of resolutions. Wish me luck, and good luck on your resolutions too in 2010!