Friday, January 22, 2010

Ask Julia: 1/22/10

Henry has his turn, and now I'm answering the rest of the Ask Julia & Henry questions. Up first is Aunt Rebecca (who sent these questions in a couple weeks ago, which is why there are several holiday queries in there):

Were you on Santa's naughty or nice list?
I would say both. Nice because I got so much great stuff, and naughty because, as I explained, he didn't always give me exactly what I wanted—like a butterfly backpack instead of a princess backpack.

Which of your holiday presents do you play with the most?
I play with so many of them, but as for what I play with most, I would have to say the Sleeping Beauty figurines from Ava. I play with them multiple times a day, so thanks again, Ava!

Did you get any baby dolls?
I did get two, complete with a changing table, and also a Barbie doll!

Have you gone sledding? If you did, did you go sledding after that huge snowfall you had before Christmas?
I did go with Daddy, but it hasn't snowed for a couple weeks and I'm getting impatient. I also haven't yet had the chance to pull Henry around on his baby sled, which I've been looking forward to doing.

What did you like most about Christmas? Did you go to Midnight Mass?
No Midnight Mass for me, since I'm usually out by 9. I had so many favorite things about Christmas – the music, the tree, the cookies, the TV specials, the daily chocolate from my advent wreath and of course, the presents — that I can't pick just one thing.

Are you playing with any of Henry's toys? Which ones?
If it's Henry's, then yes it's a safe bet I'm playing with it.

Does Henry try to play with any of your toys? Which ones?
If it's within reaching distance (or lunging distance) of him, then he tries to grab it and make it his own.

Are you enjoying your time off from nursery school?
I liked it because Mom and Dad were home for so much time, and so many people came to visit, many of them bearing gifts!

How are you doing at sharing besides your cold viruses and germs?
Not good. Better luck this year, I guess.

Do you have to get another swine flu shot? I heard that some of the previous vaccinations weren't potent enough.
I had to get a followup shot, right after the holidays, but now I'm all set.

Do you have any pictures of you with any holiday items you made in nursery school?
No. But that's a good idea, I should share some of the stuff I make in nursery school. I'd love for you guys to see it. Let me work on that.

Did you know that Kathy and Diana both got cars for their third Christmas? Did you get one? If not, are you planning to ask for one for your third birthday?
I didn't get a car, but Henry did. He got a remote control car that's a little too advanced for him right now, so I'm sure I can figure out a way to manipulate Mom or Dad into letting me play with it.

And Grandpa had a few questions too:

Have your parents clued you into the new Disney princess, Tiana, like the figurine to go with your set?
The crack Disney marketing team made sure that a brochure with Tiana was sent to the house long before her movie even opened, so I've been well aware of her existence for months now. And I've been asking Dad where her movie is, but he doesn't seem to have a DVD of it yet. Boooo!

Congrats on achieving so many of your '09 resolutions and setting some for '10. What resolutions would you set for Mom and Dad?
Hmm, I guess I'd say to stop saying no to me and let me do what I want. Is that so hard?

Thanks, Aunt Rebecca and Grandpa! And now that our inbox is empty again, I hope you send us some more questions so we can do another Ask Julia & Henry column soon.