We thought it was time for one of those "state of the siblings" posts about how Henry and I are getting along these days. And, well, it's gotten a little complicated. Because yes, most of the time we're still the best of friends, and he's the first person I ask about when I get up. Recently, I've started shouting nonsense at him to get him to crack up, like this video from a recent meal:
(I hope you enjoyed his gummy smile; it's probably the last time you'll see it now that he has a tooth coming in!) But there's been some tension of late as well, largely because of me. I've been snatching lots of things away from him, usually right out of his hands. Sometimes I do really mean things, like try to hit him, even when Mom and Dad say no (this tends to happen at the end of the day). I do always apologize to Henry afterwards, so that counts for something, right? But Mom and Dad have starting throwing around words like "punishment" and "timeout," so we'll have to see where all this leads.
I just wish I knew what Dad was talking about when he said that Henry will be getting back at me very soon.