It's been a chilly winter! We've already had a few snowfalls. I got to go sledding with Dad, and unlike last year when we went down the big hill one time and I said "Done!", this year I was the one who wanted to keep going again and again. But Dad got tired out from carrying me and the sled up the hill.
In addition to sledding, the other thing I wanted to do when it snowed was to make my first snowman. The first snowfall melted before I had a chance, and the second snowfall wasn't the right consistency (I couldn't even make a snowball, much less a snowman!). But the third time was the charm:
He's much better than that scary Abominable Snowman from Rudolph, don't you think?
There's almost no snow on the ground right now, but hopefully they'll be more soon. Now that Henry is feeling better, I want him to come sledding too!