Hey, where did the Christmas tree go? It was a huge weekend for me, and not because Mom and Dad took the Christmas tree away (Julia took the loss pretty well, so don't worry about her). Though I certainly am enjoying all the extra space in the sun room now that the tree is gone.
And no, it wasn't a huge weekend because it was the first weekend in months that Julia and I were both completely healthy. No, it was big because...(drumroll please)...I got my first tooth yesterday! Ever since the doctor mentioned last week that I was rubbing my ears not because of another ear infection but because I was teething something fierce, Dad has been vigilant about checking my mouth everyday, and yesterday - voila! - he spotted a little nub on my bottom front gum.
That alone would be enough for one weekend, but on Saturday I said my first word: "Dada"! And I kept saying it long enough for Dad - sorry, Dada - to get a video of it.
Don't worry, Mom and Julia, your names are up next (and Bobbi and Dido too, of course). And let's see, did I do anything else this weekend, like learn to crawl? Well...
I got close, but no, I didn't pull it off. Hey, I had to save something for later in the month!
Talk about deja vu: guess what date Julia blogged about saying her first word (which also was "Dada")? Jan. 11, 2008. As in, two years ago this very day! For a trip down memory lane, here are the videos she posted that day (this was back before we could edit clips together, which is why they are separate videos). However, I'm not sure that ginormous baby is in fact my big sister. It doesn't look anything like her!