Our third day at Disney was truly Princess-riffic! We were back at the Magic Kingdom, and after we went on my favorite rides again (Peter Pan's Flight and It's a Small World), we met lots of Disney Princesses. First up was Princess Aurora (from Sleeping Beauty):

She gave Henry a big smooch:

Next up was Cinderella.

You can still see Aurora's smoochprint on Henry's forehead!

Next, we met Belle (from Beauty and the Beast).
She also had a kiss for Henry.
Look at Henry with his face full of Princess kisses!
Next, we toured Mickey and Minnie's country homes, and then met Mickey and Minnie themselves.

We then spent some time on the Walt Disney Railroad, where Henry dozed off soon after this picture was taken.
Remember when Mom and Dad told me we were going to Disney World and I cried? Well, I've certainly changed my tune since we got here!
Next up was another meet and greet highlight: Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen (from Princess and the Frog). While we waited on line, I put stickers all over Henry, much to his delight.
I was so excited to meet Tiana and Prince Naveen!

Henry really liked meeting them too.
Dad says one of his highlights of the week came when Tiana and Naveen asked me what my favorite song was, expecting me to tell them a song from the movie, and I responded with "Paparazzi." They almost cracked up — I guess they didn't expect me to pick a Lady Gaga song!
Next up was a character dining experience that blew away everything we've done at Sesame Place: Cinderella's Royal Table. I got to eat dinner with Cinderella and the other princesses, right in her beautiful castle! I met Cinderella again as soon as I got there.

Then we were seated, and I showed off the special "Wishing Star" they gave me.
I received a special princess wand there too.
And Henry got a sword! Cool, but perhaps not the best gift for an 18-month-old...
After that, the princess quickly began making the rounds. There was Snow White...
And Aurora...
And Ariel (from Little Mermaid), who was another highlight...
And finally, I got to see Belle once again.
As usual, the video tells the real story of the day, so check it out:
Tomorrow, we've got a special double post from Day 4, which found us visiting Epcot and then attending a special Christmas party with Mickey.