So now I understand why Mom and Dad have been talking to me nonstop this fall about Disney World (and why Dad had been showing me pictures and YouTube videos of all the rides there). Yesterday, they surprised with the news that we were going on a Disney vacation...later that same day!
Mom and Dad say they didn't even know for sure that we were going to go until Friday, when the doctor gave Henry the all clear to make the trip (hooray, he's healthy again!). But then there was a second big hurdle: yours truly.
You see, a few months after Dad and I went to Hilton Head, I announced that I never wanted to go on an airplane again (one of our four flights during that trip was a little bumpy, and I had a very delayed reaction to it). So once I heard this fall that you had to fly in an airplane to get to Disney World, well you can guess what my reaction was. Take a look at this video that Dad shot a few weeks ago:
So what did I say yesterday when I found out we were going? Well, you'll have to wait until next week, when Henry and I will share all the details of our big trip. Talk to you then!