On Christmas morning, Henry and I rushed downstairs to see what Santa had left us (well, I rushed down; Henry just came down normally). Here's a look at what happened next: Henry wasn't too interested at first, but I was excited from the get-go.
In his stocking, Henry found these neat Buzz Lightyear slippers.
He also got some Thomas the Tank Engine trains...
Meanwhile, I got - yes! - Bride Barbie, which I had been on my Christmas wishlist for months.
I had also asked Santa for a unicorn pillow pet, and he came through with that one too!
He also got me this terrific set of Disney princess dolls.
Henry started playing with his new Thomas train set right away. He loved it!
It was so fun to have Aunt Jess there with us for Christmas!
Santa also got Henry a Little People airport set...
And a new, taller ramp to race his cars down.
Henry was so happy!
I loved spending the day with Mom.
Not only did I get Bride Barbie, but Henry got me the Barbie and Ken dolls from Toy Story 3!
Here's a look at Henry and I playing with all our Christmas toys: the trains, Princesses, Bride Barbie, Tiana body pillow and pillow pet.
What a festive Christmas! Thanks for all the great gifts, Santa!