As we mentioned last week, we had so many Ask Julia & Henry questions sent in after last Monday's blog boycott, that Henry and I are going to need two days to answer them all. Today I'll tackle all the Julia questions, and Henry will handle his mail tomorrow. First up is a question from Grandpa:
We heard from your mother that you had juice for the 1st time at camp. Did you like it? Have you asked for it at home?I did indeed have it, but when Mom asked me how it was, I didn't say much (which Mom would say is a very good thing, as it obviously didn't make much of an impression). And no, I have yet to ask for it at home.
Now that it is more than halfway through 2009, how are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions? If you have even 1 checked off, you are doing better than 99% of us.I haven't even looked at them, to be honest. That's probably for the best, because that way we can all look back and be surprised when December rolls around. I will say that if I made a resolution to be the best big sister ever, then I'm doing pretty well, but if I made a resolution to not throw a tantrum every day, then I'm probably in trouble!
Next up, fittingly, is Grandma:
Tell us a little more about camp. Do you sing songs; play games; have a snack time?Every day is a little different and has its own theme. Today's theme, for example, is "Ice Cream." But they usually involve playtime, crafts and snacks. I love being there (I did cry a bit when Mom dropped me off one day last week, but otherwise it's been smooth sailing), but when the morning is over I'm always happy to have Mom pick me up.
Also, other than being on the beach, have you ever played in a sandbox at the park?Our parks don't have sandboxes. I think they've gone the way of metal slides; you just don't see them anymore in many public playgrounds. I thought I spotted a combination sand and water play table in the garage, but Dad hasn't taken it out yet. I'll have to start whining about that!
What is your favorite TV program right now?At this moment, it's
Angelina Ballerina. There are a few new
Angelina episodes I started watching, and I make Mom and Dad put them on over and over. I should also mention that I watched my first
Dora the Explorer a couple weeks ago, and while I'm starting to like Dora as a "person," I'm not sure I'm ready to watch her on TV yet.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?Banana, the same as it's always been. If there's no banana, then I like vanilla. But I also like tasting Dad's ice cream, like when he gets chocolate peanut butter (which by the way was my first exposure to peanuts, and it looks like I'm in the clear as far as any peanut allergies!).
How in the world do you know the word "conundrum"???? I'm old, and I had to look it up! Never heard it before . . . never saw it before!! You are VERY smart!!I know, I've very smart. And don't forget, I know two languages! I keep forgetting to make a video that shows off my Ukrainian speaking skills; I'll have to remember to do that.

Next up is my old friend Audrey:
Do you have any specific BFFs at camp yet? I know you just started, so there’s time for that. Do you have a favorite camp activity yet?I don't have any new BFFs there. My friend Isabella is there much of the time, but we don't always interact that much (which I guess is common for kids my age; even when they're "friends" they don't always interact). But my favorite camp activity is making pipe cleaner bracelets with Fruit Loops charms...and then eating them off! Yum!
Aunt Rebecca also checked in, with a
ton of great questions (as always):
Did the bribe your parents offered you work? Are you now going to sleep without causing a ruckus?I'm going to blog about this later in the week. All I'll say for right now is that I have indeed ridden the scooter in question. (But when and for how long? Stay tuned....)
With which of your friends do you have the most playdates?That would be my friend Nia. It's a little harder these days because her mom has a new job and she's now watched by her grandparents, who only speak Bulgarian, but I still do see her.
Are you excited about going to preschool in the fall?It's technically nursery school (preschool isn't until next year, even though it's at the exact same place). I haven't really thought about it much, but as long as I get to do a lot of the same thing I do there at camp, then I think I'm going to love it.
Do you have a boyfriend yet?Only the "bad boys" from my TV shows that I've discussed before, like Sammy (from
Angelina Ballerina). As far as "real" people go, I still really like Isabella's brother Alec, although I don't carry his picture around quite as much as I used to (I do ask for it from time to time, however).
What is your favorite outfit? Besides, of course, your Yankees outfit.I don't have a favorite outfit, although lately I've been telling Mom "no dresses!" when she tries to put them on. But then once they're on, I talk about how pretty they look on me.
Have you considered playing softball or baseball when you're older?I do have that tee-ball set I showed off earlier in the summer, so far no, I haven't expressed an interest in playing ball. Give me a couple more years!
Do you watch the Yankees on TV?Not nearly as much as I used to, but Dad does turn them on once in a while. If you ask me who my favorite Yankees are, I say "Joba and Derek Jeter." Dad might also have to teach me how to say "Phil Hughes," given how well he's been pitching out of the bullpen, but I think "Mark Texiera" is too much for me to handle.
Are you keeping your playroom clean and well-organized?Well,
someone is, but not me (oops, I forgot I'm talking to an English teacher. I meant to say, not
I). I like to make as big of a mess as possible, and I only help clean up if I'm absolutely forced to.
Have you experimented much with your mommy's makeup yet? I'm sure she would LOVE it if you got into it when she wasn't around.I like nothing more than to use Mom's makeup and make my face and arms all sticky and shiny. Mom is good about letting me play with her makeup occasionally, so I haven't had to go behind her back and use it...yet.
Is it still raining much there? If so, please send us some rain. We need it.Are you kidding? Not only it is raining, it's
pouring! We keep having these torrential downpours and thunderstorms that blow through. Please do take some of it, because every day it rains is a day that I'm forced to spend indoors.

And last but certainly not least, let's welcome back Aunt Paula to the mailbag:
I really like your new scooter. It is so pretty. I hope that you're staying in bed so that you can ride it. Does the scooter have a motor? Will you be wearing your helmet when you ride it?No, the scooter doesn't have a motor (unless Dad counts as the motor). And yes, I will be wearing my helmet all the time when I ride it. As I blogged a few weeks ago, I like wearing the helmet all the time, so getting me to wear it while I'm on the scooter isn't going to be hard at all.
I really enjoyed the video of your mom and you running through the sprinker. Who had more fun, you or your mom? Has your dad ever run through it with you? Does your swimming pool at home have a slide like the one at grandma's?I had more fun than Mom did. And my Dad ran through it with me long before Mom did. In fact, I like running through with him more because he picks me up so I can "fly" through the sprinkler. Yes, my pool at home does have a slide, because Mom and Dido moved my little slide over and put it so it goes into the pool. So technically, my pool has a slide!
I think that you would make a fine doctor. Maybe you and Aunt Jess could set up an office in the same building. It looks like Henry checked out okay after the examination you gave him. Did you have to give him a shot? Did he cry?I did give him a shot, and yes he did cry. Not because of the shot, but because I won't leave him alone! Mom and Dad are always telling me things like "Leave Henry alone" and "Let him sleep" and "Don't touch Henry, you're going to make him cry." I'm sorry, but I need to constantly touch and cuddle my baby brother! I don't care if he cries; he needs to know that I love him.
Thank you for being so gentle to Henry. I can sure tell that you love him and he loves you. Have you changed a diaper lately?Sometimes I change one of my doll's diapers. Does that count?
Phew! I feel like I just ran a marathon. More like a relay race, because now I'm passing the baton to Henry, who will answer the rest of your questions tomorrow!