My sister wasn't the only one who had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house. First off, I survived my first big car trips (both to and from their house). Driving down there, I was great until the last mile, when I started crying. And on the drive back, I slept the whole way up and another four hours afterwards for good measure (about six hours in total, meaning that I went a whopping seven hours between feedings!). I got to finally meet my Uncle Ryan...
And my Aunt Paula...
As well as spend more time with Aunt Jess..
And Grandpa too (Grandma as well, but I guess someone forgot to take our picture!)...
Unfortunately, they didn't see my at my best for much of the afternoon, which I mostly spent fussing and crying (hmmm, do you think that had something to do with the fact that due to my switch in formulas, I hadn't had a dirty diaper in more than 2 days at that point?). But in the evening, soon before we left, I was doing much better and treated everyone to my impressive feats during tummy time. You can see a portion of it in the video here, but overall I ended up rotating 180 degrees! Not bad for a seven-week-old, huh?