I did it! Yes, I did finally get the scooter, but it was easier said than done. The first couple of nights were horrific, with hours of crying, screaming and throwing the contents of my bed (pillows and stuffed animals) around the bedroom. By Thursday night, I was tearfully allowing Dad to go out in the hall, but I still wasn't letting him close the door. Finally, on Saturday night I was so exhausted from my day at the Central Park Zoo that I was too tired to protest when he left the room and closed the door. The next day, true to his word, he let me have the scooter.
I was so happy! And while I had fun riding on the scooter while Dad pushed me, I really enjoyed playing on and around the scooter with my princesses, putting them into the scooter's front bag and lining them up nearby.
In this photo, I'm carefully placing each of them over their corresponding picture on the scooter. But there was no Mulan picture. What gives? While I don't have a video of me in action on the scooter, here's a look at how I spend the bulk of scooter time: playing around it.
And by the way, Dad says the scooter is not yet mine permanently. Each night, he reminds me that if I backslide and start crying, then the scooter will hear me cry and go bye-bye. But ever since Saturday night, I've been going to sleep really well. Yes, the whole bedtime routine is a bit more emotional than it was a few weeks ago before everything suddenly went south, but we've made huge strides. There's still one area I need to work on: putting myself back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. Every night for the past couple weeks, I'd been getting out of bed and trying to find Mom and Dad; more recently I've just been screaming for them until someone came to put me back to sleep.
But last night I made a huge breakthrough: I slept all the way to 7:30 without getting up or calling from Mom and Dad once! Plus, Henry also slept all night long (until 5:30) without getting up. Mom and Dad are completely shocked that we both pulled it off. You're welcome!
In other news, I have decided that I'm done using my highchair during meals. "That's Henry's highchair," I told Mom. So I'm only using my booster seat from now on!