My sister did a great job tackling the first half of the Ask Julia & Henry questions. Now I'm going to take care of the rest. Let's start, as we did yesterday, with Grandma:
Just wanted to know how it's coming along with your parents trying to tilt your head more to the left to create a more even-rounded head?
It's going pretty well I think, as I'm now comfortable looking in both directions (as you can see in the above photo). Mom and Dad always make sure I sleep facing toward my right. But we'll have to see what the doctor says. Hopefully we fixed it all up, and I won't need physical therapy.
Also, have you begun the drooling process yet (and the inevitable constant bib-wearing)?
It's funny you should mention that, because Mom has been noticing that the drooling seems to be on its way. So I'll probably be sporting bibs very soon!
Are you still swaddled at night or do you kick the covers off now?
Not only am I still swaddled, but Dad discovered these great super-sized swaddles (he's reviewing them as part of some baby blog his company owns; I don't company understand), so I won't be busting out of his swaddles for a long time. As for Mom's swaddling attempts; well, that's a different story completely!
Did you know Heidi Klum & Seal's son is named Henry also?
There are lots of kids with my name, including one of Julia Roberts' kids. (Hmmm...Julia and Henry, very interesting!) See, I told you it was a great name.
And now, let's hear from Audrey:
Do you prefer any particular kinds of clothing yet (or have any extreme clothing dislikes)? When my brother was your age, he had a preference for sniffing clean socks right out the dryer. I am going through a “dresses only” phase right now myself.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have much of an opinion about clothes, except that I get annoyed when Mom and Dad put my clothes on me and take them off. Can't they just leave well enough alone?
Aunt Rebecca had lots of questions for me:
Are you already making chants of JOBA, JOBA, JOBA when you watch the Yankees play? Or do the Yankees put you to sleep?
I'm not into the Yankees yet. I know that's sacrilege in my house, but I just haven't watched them much yet.
Do you have aspirations of playing professional baseball?
If Mom and Dido have any say, I'll have a tennis racket in my hands before a baseball.
Are you a southpaw?
Good question. It's too soon to tell. I've only started to grab things recently, so the jury's still out.
Any comments on A-ROID?
As Bobbi would say, Oy-oy-oy.
Do Julia's nocturnal antics wake you up, or are you more likely to wake her up?
At night, neither of us wakes the other up (so far). But during the day, if she sees me sleeping she cannot resist waking me up. On the other hand, she has an uncanny ability to tune my cries out if she's watching TV or playing. She just goes about her business without losing a step.
When are you going to be baptized?
September. In fact, I made my first visit to church over the weekend.
Does Grandma Ginny think you remind her of your daddy when he was your age?
I don't know. She's going to spend a lot of time with me this coming weekend, so we'll see what she says then.
Have you attended any playdates yet that you know of, or have you slept through all of them?
I have met some kids, but no one my age yet. The closest were Jonathan and Saffron, the twins, but that's been it. Otherwise I'm dragged along like a third-wheel to some of Julia's playdates.
Would people be more likely to characterize you as a screamer or a sleeper?
During the day: screamer. At night: sleeper.
Who reads to you more, mom or dad?
They don't read to me yet. Mom talks to me more though. During the week, I only see my Dad at night and first thing in the morning.
And finally, here are a few questions from Aunt Paula:
Thank you for letting all of us see you SMILE. You are beautiful (or I should say handsome). Are you smiling alot these days?
Yes, and laughing too!
It was sure nice that you slept through the night. Do you think that you could give Julia some pointers? Then may she'll take you for a ride on her scooter.
There's no helping her. She has to (re)learn to go to bed on her own, like I do!
I like that activity gym. I really like the lights that flash. What part to you like the best?
The part where Julia goes away and leaves me alone. Aside from that, I do like the flashing lights, and swatting the ladybug.
When do you get to start eating cereal or some other foods?
Sooner than my sister did, I'm sure, which was at the four-month mark. I'd say give me another month or so. But my formula is rice-based so I'm already there.
And we're finally at the finish line! Julia and I have to thank everyone for sending along such great questions. If there's anything we left out, send us questions here, but I don't think we need to do another mailbag for at least a month!