I hope you all had as happy of a Fourth as I did! Mom took me to the parade in town for the first time ever. I saw a lot of old friends in the parade, like Abby, Elmo and Big Bird, and then I met two new ones: Spiderman and best of all, Dora the Explorer!
Mom got Dora for me at the parade. I took her home and she's one of my best friends now. But that wasn't the only reason my Fourth was so terrific. That night, I got to stay up and watch the fireworks with Dad, right from our own backyard (Bobbi and Dido were there too). They were loud, but very pretty. So many colors! Dad covered my ears to keep them safe, and I was such a big girl that I wasn't scared at all. (Mom stayed in the basement with Henry, because he's too little for fireworks!) Now I want to see more fireworks, but Dad says I have to wait awhile.
Here's a good look at my festive Fourth of July outfit:
The whole holiday weekend was just as great. On Friday, Dad's friends visited, so I played with Eric and Sara, and Russ and Lisa. Dad even put up the bouncy castle for me. And on Sunday, the weather was nice and warm, so Dad attached the dolphin toy sprinkler to the hose — a birthday gift from baby Soleil — and we had so much fun running through the sprinkler together. Sometimes we raced through, sometimes Dad had me fly through like a bird and sometimes he lifted me upside down and carried me through. I kept shrieking "More!", and for the first time ever, I was completely okay with getting my face and hair soaked. I can't wait to do it again!