Julia has been hogging most of the updates, so I wanted to check in with a quick State of the Baby. I've been visiting lots of places for the first time recently, like the mall (above), church and Tinga. And for the first time, I've fallen into a bit of a routine at night. I usually go to sleep around 8 or so. After my last bottle, Mom or Dad put me in my crib and leave me be. Often I'm wide awake, but I don't mind. I stare at the ceiling fan and fall asleep over the next 30 minutes or so. Then I usually sleep until around 4 am when I'm up for a bottle, then it's back to sleep until 7 or 8. Sometimes I'll sleep briefly after that; other times I'm up for the day.
While I'm a terrific sleeper at night, I'm awful at it during the day. I rarely nap, and hardly ever for longer than 15 minutes or so at a time. Blame Julia for some of that, because whenever I doze off, she does her best to bother me until I wake up.
Julia says when she was a little baby, she had a habit of porking up, then having a growth spurt and slimming out a bit, then porking up again. Well, just like her, I'm starting to put on a little weight, as you can see.
I might not have quite as many rolls at Julia did at my age, but I have plenty!