It's time for our very first Ask Julia & Henry column. Only Grandma submitted questions, but she sent a lot of them, so there's plenty to talk about. Here we go:
I know that Julia has always napped/slept to the sounds of a gentle falling rain sound courtesy of her iPod. Do you also have a favorite, soothing sound to help you sleep?
I have an iPod as well, and I'm listening to the same rainfall "music" when I sleep at night. Between the white noise and Dad's super-swaddles, it's no wonder I sleep feeding to feeding at night!
I know you're only five weeks old, but are you still in the confines of the bassinet, or have you migrated to the regular crib? Where are your favorite spots for napping?
I'm still in the bassinet for now, but I'm starting to look a lot bigger than I did when I was born. Dad says he thinks I'll be sleeping in the crib before my two-month birthday. I already spend a little time in the crib, as Mom and Dad sometimes put me in there so I can look at the mobile, which I really love doing (I've already used it more than Julia ever did!). As for where I enjoy napping, my absolute favorite place is probably in someone's arms, whether it's Mom's, Bobbi's or Dad's. I also nap in the Boppy a lot, as well as the pack n play and the baby swing.
Has Julia given you "your own space," or does she sometimes forget and awaken you with her exuberance for life?!?!?
Julia really loves her little brother, so she's always coming over to me and announcing "Henry's sleeping!" and trying to touch me during my naps. I don't think she's actually woken me up on her own yet, though I'm sure she'll do that before long.
Do you think Julia has done an adequate job of "breaking in" your parents? Or do they still seem like "rookies"?
Julia did a great job training them. Mom and Dad definitely know what they're doing. For example, when Julia cried at my age, they would try everything and let her wail for a long time before they realized that she was hungry, even if she had just eaten an hour earlier. For me, they're much quicker with the bottle.
Any verdict yet on the color of your eyes? Are they still blue (like your sister's)?
Yes, they are indeed still blue.
What have your parents/sister/Babcia & Dido been doing to occupy your waking moments since this rainy weather has been keeping everyone inside and not getting a change of scenery and fresh air on walks to the park?
Thankfully the weather has gotten a little better these past few days, but you're right — it's been frustrating. For me, it was holding me a lot more than they would have otherwise, and probably feeding me a little more too. When you're my age and can't go outside for walks in the stroller, there aren't many other options!
And that's it for the debut mailbag. Thanks Grandma for the terrific questions. Now it's up to the rest of you to fill up our inbox again. You can send questions to me or to Julia.