I can't believe it's already been a year since the church picnic, when I had my first pony ride. This year's picnic was on Sunday, and I was raring to go. And nothing — not a teary reaction from getting sunscreen in my eyes, not the disappointment of getting to the front of the line to get on the fire truck, only to have them leave to go fight a real fire — was going to keep me from riding Rocky the pony...
...as many times as possible!
I got three rides in all. Even so, I was very sad when he had to go, and told Dad the next day that I was still feeling sad. So he showed me this video he took of me and Rocky, and it cheered me right up!
Only 12 months to go before I can ride him again!
Speaking of rides and fun things, I'm on my way to visit Grandma and Grandpa with Dad, who promises something really fun in store tomorrow. I wonder what it could be?