Dad may have taken paternity leave to help take care of Henry, but he's been spending the bulk of his time at home tending to yours truly. Especially with Mom needing time to recuperate from the c-section, Dad was the only one who could keep up with my crazy schedule. (Though to be fair, Bobbi and Dido have taken me around a couple times as well.) We've gone together to Little Gym, swimming lessons, lunch (including at one of my favorite spots, Johnny Rockets), the mall, Target, the playground...
(Yes, I know that's Grandpa in this picture, but Dad takes me on the same slide so just imagine that he's there too!)
We've also gone out for ice cream at Applegate's...
To the park...
And lots more places. But one big highlight of my time with Dad was the day we went to Unbelieva-Bills, a new Chuck E. Cheese-like kids establishment that is about to open downtown. Right now they're in the midst of a soft opening, which means their doors are open but they aren't advertising yet so no one really knows about them (the grand opening is set for June 20). That means we had basically the whole place to ourselves when we went! And let me tell you, I had a blast!
By the way, doesn't it look like I have a '70s glamour do in that photo, like I'm on Charlie's Angels or something? Anyway, I worked up a sweat with Dad crawling through the elaborate jungle gym play area.
In fact, I loved it so much that we went back again later in the day after my nap (we had a day-long pass, so why not?). The place is so brand-spanking new that I came home with some of the yellow from the yellow slide on the backside of my white pants! Here's a video of my terrific day there:
So it was incredible fun as you can see. As I said earlier, I've had such a great time with Dad (and I hear even more surprises are planned for me before he goes back to work). In fact, I've cherished our time together so much that I now tell him I love him on a regular basis, which floors him every time. We've come a long way from the days when I used to whine and cry after he came home from work!