Apparently all good things must come to an end, and that includes Dad's paternity leave. He went back to work today, leaving Mom, Julia and me to fend for ourselves (with help from Bobbi and Dido). Mom says he works for some magazine called People, so I found myself a copy and took a look.
Whoa, that kid kind of looks like me! But his mom looks a lot younger than my Mom!
In other news, Mom and I survived our first 24 hours alone together, when Dad and Julia visited Grandma and Grandpa and then went to something called Sesame Place (Julia will blog about that trip soon). I enjoyed the quiet, without having to hear Julia babbling, running around and screaming. And yesterday Mom took me in for my two-week doctor's appointment. I now weigh 9 lbs. 7 1/2 oz. and measure 22 1/2 inches. The doctor says I'm a champ!