I can't believe a whole week has gone by since I was born. In fact, today marks a week already since I came home! It's been a whirlwind of sleeping, feeding, crying and pooping, but I sure do love my family. Dad says that overall I'm a very serene baby, but even so, I can still bust out with a loud cry when I need to.
Julia tells me that Mom and Dad are a lot more confident this time around than they were when she was a newborn, and maybe that explains why the week has gone relatively smoothly. I'm eating pretty regularly about every 3 hours (though I can range anywhere from 2 to 4 hours; one night I even went 5 hours!). It took some time for them to clear out the cobwebs (I spied Dad leafing through his book on swaddling at the hospital), but they really do seem to know what they're doing. Which is good, because it seems like they have their hands full with my big sister, who hasn't stopped talking or moving around since I got home! She also makes sure to leave her toys and dolls scattered on the floor — landmines for them to navigate as they carry me around.
Julia says that when she was born, Dad put together a terrific slideshow with photos of her first week, so I asked him to do the same thing for me and he said yes! Unfortunately he couldn't upload it to YouTube because of rights issues over the song he used for the soundtrack, so you'll have to click here to see it.
If you have problems loading it, or just want to take a closer look at the pictures (and maybe even buy a few), you can go here to look at a Kodak Gallery photo album with all the slideshow pictures.
A few other things to note from the past week:
On Wednesday both Julia and I went in for a joint doctor's appointment. We both were incredibly well-behaved. Here are some updated stats: I now weigh in at 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 21 1/2 inches, while Julia is now up to 32 1/2 lbs. and 37 inches.
Speaking of my sister, she has been taking very good care of me. She's endlessly fascinated by everything I do (which believe me, isn't much these days!).
She's always looking out for me, wanting to know where I am and trying to touch or kiss me. It's very nice, but Dad says he thinks it's only a matter of time before the novelty wears off. I hope he's wrong!
Later on Wednesday, the family took our first excursion outside, to the beautiful iris gardens around the corner. It was my inaugural ride on our new double stroller (in any stroller, in fact!).
I enjoyed the fresh air, although Julia ditched us and made Dad take her to the playground across the street.
Well, I think it's time for another feeding, so I'll sign off until next time. Let me or Julia know how you like the new blog, or feel free to ask us some questions so we can do an Ask Julia & Henry column sometime soon.