I was supposed to be born today — it's true, Mom had scheduled something with her doctor for this morning — but I of course had other plans. So instead of celebrating my birth today, Mom and Dad took me out to my first restaurant: we had lunch at the local diner in town that they always go to with Julia every week. I was a perfect angel...for about 5 minutes. And then...
...I started to cry. And cry. And cry. So Dad picked me up and I calmed down.
But then I started crying again, so Mom took me outside. Which then made Julia cry, because Mom didn't warn her she was leaving so Julia though she was leaving her behind. But by the end of the meal, everyone was all smiles.
So maybe it wasn't the smoothest (or quietest) trip to the diner ever, but I have a feeling I'm going to be back here a lot, so I'm sure I'll get it right before too long.